I've also been inspired by the weekly goals listing at Money Saving Mom (http://moneysavingmom.com/2013/01/10-goals-for-this-week-34.html)
I've been reading both of these memes for a while, and am *hoping* to participate in them more regularly.
(And, of course, I'm still working on clearing out 2012, and planning for 2013 -- both of which are January projects.)
Finances and Organization:
- review and compare 2012 and 2013 paychecks
- pay bills
- work on filing paperwork/finding receipts
- submit for 2012 FLEX reimbursements
- finish putting away tree and Christmas decorations
- finish calendar info transfer
January goals:
- determine budget
- finish organizing recipes stored on computer (make Xcel document for table of contents type reference to recipes in multi-recipe ebooks)
- make appointment with lawyer for will
Yearly goal:
- photo organization
Spirituality and Creativity:
- continue catchup on chronological Bible reading plan
- put weekend's Girl Scout pictures onto troop sharing site
January goals:
- finish chronological reading of Bible
- start a craft project -- new potholders?
Family and Friends:
- Connect Friend 1 with Friend 2
- find and send birthday card to niece
- write notes, send belated Christmas presents that didn't arrive in time to niece, friends
- followup on playdate planning
- keep up on Facebook
- plan doing something with husband's cousin
January goals:
- ask for information packet from destination, look for coupons
- possibly make travel plans, hotel reservations
I always enjoy reading about goals that other people set - it encourages me to see how I can challenge myself, too. Looking forward to following your progress!