Monday, January 28, 2013

Goals for the Week of January 28, 2013

Well, I'm feeling rather tired today, and am not sure where my weekend went -- not a lot on the "need-to-do" list seems to have gotten done. But writing these goals down does help me to push myself to actually accomplish these things, so onward through the last week of January we go!

Last Week's Goals:

Finances and Organization:
- finish filing paperwork! (Nope.)
- clear out catchall basket of catalogs, etc. that have piled up over past month (Didn't even touch.)
- finish calendar info transfer (Nope.)
- sort through and discard/file school papers (Nope.)
- order free book from Children's Book of the Month Club before credit expires (did this one -- actually ordered two books that are sets of two each, so ended up getting four for the price of one; will use for holiday gifts)
- submit for utilities rebate (rethinking this)
- make appointment with lawyer for will (husband wants to fill out the questionnaire first)
- make tax appointment for March (hopefully, they'll have all the new forms ready by then ...) (no)
- update pantry inventory (no)

So, essentially, I did (almost) nothing on the finances and organization section of last week's goals. I thought that's what January was supposed to be about?

January goals:
- determine budget for February

Yearly goal:
- photo organization
- recipe organization
- kitchen (re)organization

Spirituality and Creativity:

- continue catchup on chronological Bible reading plan (I'm almost through the November readings ...)
- put Girl Scout pictures onto troop sharing site
- say at least 3 new-to-our-family mealtime prayers (yes, including one lovely prayer composed on the spot by the six-year-old)
- finish reading book for church book group
- remember food shelf donations for church on Sunday!

January goals:

- finish chronological reading of Bible
- start a craft project -- new potholders?

Family and Friends:
- gather supplies for and lead Girl Scout meeting (6- and 7-year-olds learned how to use the "circle of safety" with a knife -- a butter knife -- wash dishes the Girl Scout way, and prepare healthy snacks)
- pick up troop Girl Scout cookie order (now we just need to cross our fingers that they'll be sold and get Out. Of. My. House!)
- finish read-aloud of Little House in the Big Woods, begin read-aloud of Little House on the Prairie (yes, complete with much explaining that "a long time ago" does NOT automatically equal "when you were a kid")
- do a cooking project among recipes 6-year-old has identified she'd like to try (no cooking together at home this week)
- catch up on Facebook
 - email out--of-state friend haven't indidvidually emailed since before Christmas

January goals:
- put in for spring break vacation time
- possibly make travel plans, hotel reservations

This Week's Goals

Finances and Organization:
- finish filing paperwork! (I want to get it done and out of my hair in January!)
- clear out catchall basket of catalogs, etc. that have piled up over past month
- finish calendar info transfer
- sort through and discard/file school papers
- submit for utilities rebate OR cancel
- make tax appointment
- update pantry inventory
- download will questionnaire and begin to work on it with husand
- determine budget for February

Spirituality and Creativity:

- continue catchup on chronological Bible reading plan, possibly complete
- continue using prayer books at meals
- finish reading friend's book so can return it

Family and Friends:
- sign girls up for cookie club
- distribute Girl Scout cookies
- chaperone daughter to sell
- finish read-aloud of Little House on the Prairie
- spend time on a project or playing with 6-year-old

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