Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Goals for Week of January 21, 2013

(To see others' goals, and for weekly encouragement, visit Money Saving Mom.)
Last Week's Goals:

Finances and Organization:

- close on refinance of mortgage  ($160 less a month in payments! no payment in February!)
- work on filing paperwork/finding receipts  (receipts found, paperwork filing from 2012 almost completed ... oy)
- submit for 2012 FLEX reimbursements
- clear out catchall basket of catalogs, etc. that have piled up over past month
- finish cleaning out gmail inbox; email drafts folders 
- finish calendar info transfer (progress made; not completed. This is not transferring events from a calendar; this is going through last year's paper planner and making some sort of organizational decisions about all the little sticky notes/reminders/ideas I've left for myself throughout the year)
- index recipes from 10 multi-recipe ebooks on computer
- (not on the list) new and updated inventory of freezer contents

Spirituality and Creativity:

- continue catchup on chronological Bible reading plan
- put Girl Scout pictures onto troop sharing site
- find books of prayer collections ( found some of them, although not necessarily what I was specifically looking for)

Family and Friends:

- plan doing something with husband's cousin (on hold for now due to illness :( )
- possibly plan get-together with book group friends (somewhat weather-dependent) (weather did not cooperate- it's hard to go cross-country skiing with no snow!)
- get belated Christmas presents to book group friends (since get-together didn't happen, it's now close enough to our February meeting that I'm just moving this goal to then)
- ask for information packet from spring break vacation destination, look in files to see if have current resources (did not have current resources in files, but had general planning overview discussion with husband)
- put new patches on Girl Scout uniform (got them sewed on in time for her to proudly wear uniform to school for "Girl Scout Spirit Day"
- do "Girls Cook In" training
- register for First Communion instruction

And This Week's Goals:

Finances and Organization: 
- finish filing paperwork!
- clear out catchall basket of catalogs, etc. that have piled up over past month (or so...)
- finish calendar info transfer
- sort through and discard/file school papers
- order free book from Children's Book of the Month Club before credit expires
- submit for utilities rebate
- buy Forever stamps before price increase
- make appointment with lawyer for will
- make tax appointment for March (hopefully, they'll have all the new forms ready by then ...)
- clean out old/sent mail folders in email account; being work on "newsletters" folder
- update pantry inventory

January goals:
- determine budget (actually, I may wait until we get through an entire month, although some of the uncertainties -- like tax change impacts on paychecks, change in mortgage payment due to refinance, have now been completed)
- finish organizing recipes stored on computer (make Xcel document for table of contents type reference to recipes in multi-recipe ebooks) (OK, so this is not going to happen in January.)

Yearly goal:
- photo organization
- recipe organization
- kitchen (re)organization

Spirituality and Creativity:

- continue catchup on chronological Bible reading plan
- put Girl Scout pictures onto troop sharing site
- say at least 3 new-to-our-family mealtime prayers
- finish reading book for church book group
- remember food shelf donations for church on Sunday!

January goals:

- finish chronological reading of Bible
- start a craft project -- new potholders?

Family and Friends:

- gather supplies for and lead Girl Scout meeting
- pick up troop Girl Scout cookie order
- finish read-aloud of Little House in the Big Woods, begin read-aloud of Little House on the Prairie
- do a cooking project among recipes 6-year-old has identified she'd like to try
- order Valentines
- catch up on Facebook
 - email out--of-state friend haven't indidvidually emailed since before Christmas

January goals:

- put in for spring break vacation time
- possibly make travel plans, hotel reservations

1 comment:

  1. I love how you layout all of our goals.. I should go over my January goals as I haven't look at them in a bit! lol!!
